Realtors & Brokers

Get 1-3 Listings Per Month On Auto-Pilot With a Listing Acquisition Funnel + AI ISAs

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We Do Things Differently

The New Way of Getting Listings

Listing Acquisition Funnel

Our method for generating high-quality leads involves a four-step process that not only captures essential information but also assesses their timeline and motivation, and directly schedules appointments in your calendar.


Our A.I. will qualify the leads and book them in your calendar so you only spend your time with qualified "ready-to-list" leads. Forget calling hundreds for just one qualified lead; we prioritize quality over quantity.

Data & Training

Our real estate marketing expertise has enabled us to excel in audience targeting through advanced data optimization. We also offer tailored training and access to industry leaders to help clients consistently secure listings.

Created By Realtors For Realtors

"RealtyLab was born from the constant struggle that Realtor all over America face on the day-to-day basis,

Lead Quality.

We experienced this struggle first hand when my wife Casey joined a real estate team. As a new agent, she was in charge of calling leads and scheduling appointments.

The problem was that the leads sucked. Most of them had a wrong number, the person was "just browsing," they were "not moving for 12-24 months," or they wanted something worth $900k for $450k.

At that time I was a Senior Ads Manager for a reputable agency in Orlando, FL with years of experience in lead generation. So she asked for my help.

The results were astonishing, in just a few months we were able to generate 6 figures in GCI for her real estate team by leveraging a new system that combines a "Listing Acquisition Funnel" with AI ISAs.

Fast forward, I quit my job and we went all in on RealtyLab. Casey and I took our product to market and are now helping realtors all over America increase their GCI with our proven system that guarantees listings."

-Joao Alves | Co-Founder

$100,000 GCI In Just 5 Months

Julia Owns A Small Real Estate Team in Northeast Florida. After Joining RealtyLab, She Was Able To Generate Over 6 Figures In Extra Business Just From Prospects We Sent Her

2 Listings In 7 Weeks

After just 7 weeks of signing up with RealtyLab, Ron faced a HUGE problem... He was getting more business that he could handle. Is that a problem that you would like to have?


How does RealtyLab ensure the quality of leads?

We utilize a combination of advanced targeting, market analytics, and creative digital marketing strategies to attract high-quality leads. Our focus is on quality over quantity.

Can I track the progress of my marketing campaigns?

Absolutely. We provide detailed reports and analytics that allow you to track the performance of your campaigns. Our transparent reporting system ensures you’re always in the know about how your investment is working for you.

How quickly can I expect to see results from your services?

While the timeline can vary depending on your specific market and campaign complexity, many of our clients begin to see tangible results within a few weeks of campaign launch.

What makes RealtyLab different from other real estate marketing agencies?

We don’t just generate leads; we partner with you to grow your business sustainably. Our unique approach lies in our specialized focus on the real estate sector, our innovative "Listing Acquisition Funnel", AI ISAs and our commitment to providing personalized sales assistance.

Hear From Our Clients

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*Earnings and income representations made by Joao Alves, RealtyLab are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on our website are our results and from years of testing. We can in no way guarantee you will get similar results.